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DTN Midday Grain Comments 05/13 11:15

13 May 2016
DTN Midday Grain Comments 05/13 11:15 Mixed Grain Trade at Midday Corn and wheat higher at midday, while soybeans are lower. By David Fiala DTN Contributing Analyst General Comments The U.S. stock market indices are mixed, with the DOW futures down 5. The interest rate products are lower. The dollar index is 65 points higher. Energies are lower wit...

DTN Cattle Close/Trends 05/13 15:40

13 May 2016
USDA MARKET NEWS--AFTERNOON CATTLE REPORT 05/13/16 VOLUME USDA TOTAL RANGE DTN PRACTICAL RANGE WT AVG KANSAS CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 446 WEEK T0 DATE: 21,695 STEERS 446 133.00-133.00 133.00-133.00 133.00 HEIFERS No reportable trade NEBRASKA CONFIRMED CASH SALES - TODAY: 1,775 WEEK TO DATE: 65,847 STEERS 135 207.00-207.00 207.00-207.00 207.00 ...

DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 05/13 06:07

13 May 2016
DTN Early Word Opening Livestock 05/13 06:07 Cattle Futures Seem Staged to Open Moderately Higher Live and feeder futures should open moderately higher, supported by late-week short-covering and the tall premium status of Thursday's country market. Lean hog contracts are likely to open on a firm basis, girded by this week's pattern of greater packe...

DTN Early Word Grains 05/13 06:03

13 May 2016
DTN Early Word Grains 05/13 06:03 It's Friday the 13th: Grain Bulls Beware July corn was 3 cents lower, July beans were 10 cents lower, and July Chicago wheat was 1 cent lower. By Darin Newsom DTN Senior Analyst 6:00 a.m. CME Globex: July corn was 3 cents lower, July beans were 10 cents lower, and July Chicago wheat was 1 cent lower. CME Globex Rec...

DTN Closing Livestock Comment 05/12 16:25

12 May 2016
DTN Closing Livestock Comment 05/12 16:25 Despite Bullish Cash News, Cattle Futures Reverse to Close Lower Although the cattle complex traded with decent gains for most of the session, late selling and long liquidation caused prices to reverse and close significantly lower. The lean hog market put in a much calmer round of business, closing modestl...
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